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Auralex Wedgie Studio Foam Kit 2" x 12" x 12" - 24 Pack

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Regular price $154.99

Auralex Wedgie Studio Foam Kit 2" x 12" x 12" - 24 Pack

Studiofoam Wedgies are 1' squares of 2 " thick Studiofoam and are a great solution for spot treating sound studios, home listening rooms, ISO-booths and more. With slightly more wedges per square foot than 2 " acoustic Studiofoam, Wedgies feature maximized surface area for greater exposure to sound waves. Studiofoam Wedgies are a great solution for small flutter echo problem areas.

A famous designer used Wedgies and called to tell us they were even more effective than he'd hoped they'd be, so you know you can trust them to tame your space!

Warranty Period

90 Days

Authorized Reseller

Pixel Pro Audio is an authorized Auralex dealer.