Softube Console 1: Analog Approach to Digital Mixing

Softube Console 1: Analog Approach to Digital Mixing

_0005_console1_withosd-transp Softube recently released the British Class A for the award-winning Console 1. The Console 1 is not a plugin controller, or even a DAW controller. It is its own entity in which you can mix using the sounds of famous consoles used in the industry. Not only can you load in the preset console sounds, but you can also load in Softube's world-renowned plugins. The first two console emulations released were the Solid State Logic SL 4000 E Series and the XL 9000 K Series. Both are favorites among some of the most respected mix engineers in the industry. With the release of the British Class A, the Console 1 takes on a whole new character. Many have referred to this console as "The Rock Console" due to the smooth, yet muscular tone. _0011_british_class_a_screenshot The parametric EQ is in four stepped bands at the exact same frequency points as the original. This is a bit more usable because the original EQ section only had three bands. The compressor section is also stepped as the 70's console was. Offering the exact ratios, attack and release times, and transient response. It even has a wet/dry mix function, which I think should be on every compressor. To go even further, Softube painstakingly recreated the precise sound of the harmonic drive. I'll be honest, I was skeptical of this at first. But after hearing what it can do to tracks, and even a mix, I am convinced. This little box is the perfect hybrid mixer for any studio. The EQ is the smoothest I have heard of any plugin and the drive can add the most colorful character. The best part is that the British Class A is only $224.99! Check out Softube's promo video below! As always, enjoy fast and free shipping on any order in the continental US. Feel free to give us a call at 855-269-0474 or stop in our store in Downtown Appleton!

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